Friday, September 27, 2024

Good things happening

 I decided to separate this blog post from the one full of pictures.

This last week, a bunch of good things happened. Let me start with the one that I am most thankful for.

When Kevin and I were in Michigan at the beginning of our marriage, we were friends with a couple with a large family.

One of their sons was working overseas for some years. Something went wrong recently regarding paperwork, and he ended up being detained and stuck in some rather lousy prison for foreigners with these kinds of issues. The problem in question lingered for literally weeks as our embassy didn't move quickly to sort out the paperwork issues. The young man has some underlying health issues and the prison was not a healthy place. 

I was praying, as were a great many people. Finally he did get the necessary documentation and he returned home in the last week.

So so so thankful. As a mom myself, I cannot imagine how hard this was for the entire family as they worried about him.

That's the biggest win of the week, for sure! 

Other far less important things, but nonetheless I am thankful.

1. I found a pair of my glasses that went missing. They had been gone for weeks and I decided to search my car. Yep, they were under a seat.

2. The Detroit Tigers, "my" baseball team, are on a tear. They have won 30 of the last 41 games or something and are on the cusp of making it to the post season for the first time in a decade. It is likely they will quickly be eliminated but still it is great fun!

3. Lydia is happily installed in her new job and likes it.

4. Our books are doing well. We have a new book launching next week and there is a lot of buzz around it. Of course, the buzz is partially because Kevin is doing an AWESOME job of promoting the book. But even aside from that, apparently people are pretty excited about the concept. It is a trope called "Elizabeth is Not a Bennet". Basically Elizabeth is adopted by the Bennets instead of being a Bennet daughter.

5. We got rain! Lots of it!  So so thankful!

I tend to focus on the things that aren't great sometimes, which isn't good. So right now I am thinking about how thankful I am for all these wonderful things that have happened recently.


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