Sunday, July 22, 2012

Saved by Jesus

We had a very special day today.  We were at lunch talking about our time at church, and then the conversation shifted into a discussion of the differences between Christianity and orthodox Judaism.  In the middle of a lot of chatter, our almost 5 year old daughter Angela asked a quiet question.  After getting everyone else to quiet down, Iwas able to hear the whole question, "How do you become a Christian?"

I very simply explained that becoming a Christian means accepting that Jesus died for your sins, receiving His forgiveness, and deciding to follow Jesus your whole life.  Angela promptly said, "I want to become a Christian."

Kevin took her into our family room and they prayed together.  Oh, what a special day!  I know that this is just one step in a long road.  She has much to learn about the Lord...she is such a little girl!  But she did make a decision to follow Jesus and I am so excited and thankful.  Thank you, Holy Spirit, for working in the life of our sweet Angela.

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