Monday, July 30, 2012

Swimming pics

I can now be a lifeguard, which means the kids are getting to swim more.  I really am feeling much stronger now that it has been 2 months since I delivered Daniel.  I feel like I can safely watch the kids in the pool, and they are pleased!

     The older 5 are good swimmers.  Angela is a beginning swimmer. She is very good about staying in the shallow area unless an adult is working with her.

Sarah does not like the water, which is a good thing. She toddles around the edge of the pool, with the occasional fall and scraped knee to liven things up. She has never fallen INTO the pool.  The floatie swimsuit is on her so that if she does fall in, we can fish her out easily.  Unfortunately, this suit will keep her up but won't keep her face out of the water so of course I have to keep very close track of her.  I'm still glad she would float...far easier to rescue a floating child than a sinking child, if necessary!

After swimming, the children often spend a few minutes "sunbathing".  I am not a fan of spending hours in the sun getting a deep tan as I agree with the medical doctors that it isn't great for your skin.  However, sunlight is beneficial in some quantities because it provides Vitamin D.  So I make sure the kids don't burn, but I don't slather sunscreen on them when they are out for a short time. So far, every last kid has inherited Kevin's ability to tan. I just burn. I am glad they tan!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I'm really thinking of making our own sunscreen - I hate all those chemicals. All of mine burn as well as me so I'm careful as I did develop some 3rd degree burns on my back one time (had to wear a swim suit for a week until the blisters burst!) So I'm careful about sun exposure (had a pre-cancerous mole removed in grade school and cancer runs in my families) but also know it's a fine line between exposure/health and too much :D