Saturday, December 8, 2012

A Tale of Two Babies

They really are still babies, both of them. On the left, we have Miss Fluffy, 2 years of age.  On the right, Mr. Chunk, closing rapidly in on 7 months of age.

Both are adorable. 

Miss Fluffy (a.k.a. Sarah) is a grumpy mess much of the time. She is "2" in spades, with all the whining and tantrums and frustration that is typical of that age.  She is of course a delight and we enjoy her blossoming verbal skills even as the antagonistic demeanor gets wearying.

Mr. Chunk (a.k.a. Daniel) is very sweet and easygoing right now. Yes, he cries, but only when he wants something to eat or is tired.  He smiles a lot. He coos.  He gurgles. He sits peacefully.  He screams for the sheer joy of making noise.

Only 18 months separate our little ones.  But they are at very different stages of life right now.  The contrast is amazing.

I was just thinking that I love them both passionately and equally, though Sarah is a much more difficult child right now.  And God loves us all equally and passionately, even though some of us have difficult personalities and are going through difficult "phases".

His response to us has some parallels too.  Those He loves He disciplines.  Sarah does endure discipline as she learns the world does not revolve around her.  Daniel pretty much gets what he wants all the time because his wants are simple, reasonable, and attainable.

I'm thankful God loves me when I'm doing well and when I'm doing poorly, when I have good days and bad days.   He WILL bring discipline if I need it, and I'm grateful for that.  He will allow consequences for my sins and mistakes.  But through it all is His neverending love, just like nothing can ever take away the love I have for my children. I am glad I am His child.

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