Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Kevin's Brilliant Idea

Kevin and I used to go to Secret Santa gift centers in our schools when we were young.  The basic idea was that children with a little money could buy cheap gifts for siblings and parents.

Our kids don't do "Santa". We've told them from birth, from BEFORE birth, that Santa is just a pretend character.  Not that the prenatal babies have listened, but if they did -- they would hear Santa isn't real.


Anyway, this last week many of the children said they wanted to go to a Dollar Store and buy gifts for their siblings. Kevin took Lydia, but we were running out of time and taking all of the kids, individually, just wasn't going to work well. So ... brilliant thought from Kevin!  He went to Meijer and a Dollar Store, bought up a bunch of stuff, set up a Secret Santa Shop in our basement.

The children then came down, one by one, and picked out presents for their siblings.

While some of the presents were subsidized  (which is to say, we charged $1 for everything, but some were a bit more than that to buy), the children did use THEIR money.  Our kids have a small allowance  and earn money in other ways as well.  So they had to decide to part with hard earned or gained money.  We have a range of money personalities. I was pleased that everyone decided to buy gifts for their siblings.

So tomorrow they will all have many gifts for Christmas.

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