Friday, May 22, 2015

Checking on the Young Eyeballs

Today was fatiguing. Good, but fatiguing. For everyone.

First off, yesterday Kevin got final, total, complete, utter, final confirmation that he is 100% transferred to a new position at work. For reasons I will not go into, this is very very very very very good news.

It also meant today he got to/had to hit the ground running as he figures out all that he needs to do with his new job.  Among other things, he needs to arrange for meetings with a whole bunch of people.  It is probably a mercy that today was the Friday before Memorial Day, and lots of people were out on vacation, so he was a little less overwhelmed than he theoretically could have been.

This morning, I had an eye appointment 30 minutes away for our 3 youngest children.  I've mentioned before that Sarah, Child #7, has terrible eyes.  Daniel, Child #8, isn't as bad as Sarah but they still both need glasses.

So they had checkups.  And both are stable.  Sarah needs to be monitored carefully as her eyes are so bad that amblyopia is a possibility.  (We've been through the ambloypia journey with Isaac a few years ago.  Not great fun.)  Actually, for reasons that made no sense, Sarah is considered to have amblyopia in both eyes because of her farsightedness and astigmatism. Whatever. We have a good doctor. I trust her.

And said awesome doctor checked Rose.  It seems bewildering and shocking that a baby's eyes can be checked, but they can.  And Rose looks...good!  We are thankful as the previous 3 kids are all quite farsighted.  I had Isaac with me to help with the 3 littles. He WAS helpful, but hasn't had as much training as the big girls have in helping me so I had to do more directing.  My big girls have way more experience with babies, toddlers, and preschoolers than most kids their age!

While I was at the eye appointment, Naomi and Kevin's mom made a quick trip to the allergist for N's allergy shots.  Lydia held down the fort with ONLY 3 siblings.  That must have seemed weird!

We all got home a little after noon. Then a few hours later, Kevin's mom came over again and whisked our big girls off to Kevin's grandmother's house, which needs to go on the market.  The big girls helped wash windows, vacuum carpet, clean the garage, and generally help.

Kevin's mom very graciously bought us pizza for dinner, which was a huge hit.

So now the 2 littlest people are in bed, and Sarah is on her way. I'm fried.  But it was a good day.

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