Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Pulling Up

I believe I've mentioned before that our children don't break speed records in the rolling, sitting, crawling, pulling up, creeping, and walking departments.

Which is totally fine with me. With Naomi, I was eager for her to get mobile.  Since then, I've thought -- take your SWEET time.

So Rose will be 1 year old this month, and she is just now pulling up confidently. But she's graduated to creeping around on the furniture too.  She is standing leaning up against things now -- no hands!  So she's gotten much more mobiley adept in the last month.

My brother and his wife have a son who is 6 months older than Rose. He walked before his first birthday.  We met him for the first time this last February (when he was around 13 months) and he was already a walking PRO.  He was also divinely cute.  He is one cute kid.


I think it is normal for parents to compare babies.  I don't much compare babies anymore.  I can tell our older kids are smart.  But none talked all that early, none walked all that early. Walking early is great, walking late is great.  Talking early is great, talking late is great.  If a child falls within the normal range, I really don't think the timing of those skills matter a lot.

And if Baby takes her SWEET time getting to the super mobile stage (like climbing stairs or onto tables), I will be happy :-).

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