Saturday, August 10, 2019

First Week of School

It went fine, I guess.

It went fine.

Getting the little ones organized to do school is not easy.  Sarah and Daniel would both far rather play.  They will do a lot of playing this year, but I do intend to do more school with them. So that's a process.

Things have gone missing in the last 2 weeks. Where is my expensive 3 hole punch?  Someone walked off with it. I will blame Lydia because she's asleep right now so can't defend herself.  I'll search her room later.

Mostly a good week.  We went to Young's Dairy and we went to a splash park. We swam a lot.  We started school.

I sent off my Notification of Intent to homeschool.

We ordered a bunch of books for Lydia's upcoming semester of classes.

Naomi worked a full 40 hours at the local Goodwill.

I got another chigger bite :-(.

Mostly a good week.

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