Friday, March 6, 2020

Thankful It Is Friday

Whew, I survived the week!

I knew it was going to be strenuous with so many medical appointments. But we made it through.

Monday, I took Isaac to see a geneticist.  He is so tall and so thin that his BMI falls in 1st percentile.  He is ridiculously skinny.

Good news it that a heart scan showed it is fine.  He has some characteristics of Marfan's Syndome, which is a genetic disease, but given that his heart is fine, he almost certainly doesn't have it. But we're still running a DNA test just to make absolutely sure.

Wednesday I had a standard mammogram.  This was no big deal at all but it was early.  Running off at 7:15 a.m. for mammogram meant that the whole day felt busy and exhausting. But still, thankful for good medical care.  The lady who did the mammogram is pregnant with her 5th child, but her 4th child is 12. We talked a fair amount about big family life, plus the fun of having a baby when she has 4 teens and tweens.

Today, I took Joseph in to see and orthopedic surgeon about his scoliosis.  The good news is that it is mild (only 16 degree curve) so they won't do anything but watch it. It probably isn't ever going to be a problem. The ortho did note that Joseph hunches forward a lot, and said that it was because his muscles in his legs haven't grown as fast as his bones. This means super tight hamstrings, which pulls him into a hunched position. It should improve as his growth slows, but in the meantime I am going to work on some stretches with him.

Yes, I am thankful it is Friday.

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