Sunday, May 17, 2020


Every year, enthusiastic tree frogs lay their eggs in the water on top of our pool cover. Every year, tadpoles hatch and grow. Every year, we eventually open the pool and all the hapless tadpoles are siphoned through a hose into the yard, with fatal results.

Poor tadpoles.  But it is not our fault that the frogs are stupid.  

This spring has been weird.  Warm, cold, warm, very cold.  I wondered if the frog eggs would be happy.

The answer is yes, they were. They were very very very happy.

It is a tadpole swarm.  I have never seen anything like this.  So many nice tadpoles.

We extracted some and are trying to raise them as a science project. They like cucumber. I also bought special tadpole food.

We gave them a rock so when they grow legs, they can climb out.  Right now many of them just like to hang out on the rock.  It is probably restful?

So we'll see how they do long term.  We have tried and failed to raise tadpoles to frogs in past years but I hope this is our year.

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