Friday, June 5, 2020

Obsession with Data

My book came out on May 31st.  Since this is 2020, there is tons of data one can find about book sales.  Since I love math, I confess to a fair amount of obsession about what is happening.

First of all, I didn't do any real advertising about the book.  I posted it initially online in a fanfiction forum, then organized it and edited it and published it (with the huge help of family members). I took most of the story down from the fanfiction site because I legally had to.

I also mentioned my book on Facebook.

However, I wrote a book that is part of a popular fandom. LOTS of people write Pride and Prejudice variations so when I posted it on Amazon, there was a ready made group of people who might be interested.

I get money both when someone buys the book (about a $2 profit per book) and I receive half a cent per page read if someone borrows it on their Kindle Unlimited subscription. Since the book is just over 200 pages long, I get about $1 every time someone reads the book.

I can go online and check how many books I've sold, how many pages have been read on Kindle Unlimited. And I'll admit it, it is hard not be obsessive about it.

I wrote the book because I enjoy writing so making money, while nice, isn't really that big a deal.  But I am full of curiosity. Will it continue to make money for weeks and weeks?  Will there just be a brief surge of interest and then it will plummet into total obscurity? 

So far I've made approximately $180 on the book, which is quite respectable.  Today has been a "bad" day compared to the previous three days. Why is that?  Are people not reading much?  Will it uptick over the weekend when people have more time?

Or is this my flash in the pan burst of enthusiasm?

It really doesn't matter, it is just interesting.  How does the great reading public choose books?  How do days of the week matter?  Does the weather matter?  Will I see upticks during winter?

I love data.

Also, people pretty much like my book.  I've gotten 5 reviews on Amazon and all of them were 4 or 5 stars (out of 5) so that's nice.

And yes, I'm working on another book.  Again, it is mostly because I really enjoy writing.  I like getting inside the heads of my characters and going where they lead me.  It is really fun.

I can't draw worth beans, but I can write. Pretty well.

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