Monday, November 2, 2020


 It has been a busy and hard week.  I am still mourning our cat Steve, who died recently of an upper respiratory infection. The other 4 kittens are in the sun room and all are on antibiotics now. The girls seemed Ok until yesterday, when Peach (our all orange one) started looking lethargic.  We have enough meds for them all so I decided to just cut to the chase and start dosing the girls as well.

Of course, the cats are not ecstatic with having antibiotics forced down their throats but we know they need it.

Here they are ALL piled in one box.

I am also stressed over the presidential election.  It sure seems like Biden will win but they thought that about Clinton. I do not want Biden to win; I am an ardent pro lifer and Biden's pledge to push abortion right up to full term is horrifying to me. 

Having said that, God is on his throne. I realize that many people I like loathe Trump for different reasons. Some of them are pro-life but to them, it is not the major issue; they are more concerned about immigration and women's rights issues and so on.

Whatever happens, God is on His Throne. I believe sometimes nations get it wrong (we do have free will as voters) but He can work even with a really horrible leader.  Hitler comes to mind.  The dude was actually ELECTED by the German people, which must go down in history as one of the worst democratic election decisions in history. The Holocaust is one of the worst things that ever happened but in the midst of it were people like Corrie Ten Boom and other brave souls who risked their lives for the freedom of others.  

Thankfully we do live in a republic so even if it is a sweep for the Democrats, the Republicans will be able to provide the brakes on occasion. 

And vice versa. If the Republicans do pull out a win, then the Democrats will provide the brakes on occasion.

I think I will be happier on Wednesday just knowing which way it is going to go, one way or the other.

Kids have had a lot of doctor, dental, eye, and orthodontist appointments lately. That is one oddball thing about having a huge family; there are just a lot of random appointments.  Of course, we could just not go to them but we are responsible parents.  Teeth are important. Eyes are important.

So I go.  But it is stressful to be gone a lot from home.

But what a blessing to be able to have my kids cared for well by medical people!  Every time I get whiny, I remind myself of that!

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