Thursday, December 10, 2020

Frustrations and Thanksgiving

 I will start with the Thanksgiving. We all continue to do comparatively well. My back is better than a week ago though still not perfect.  I have a really hurting right hip which makes me naturally tend to walk strangely to favor it.  That in turn pushes everything else out of whack. BUT I am functional.

Kevin has been really tired off and on.  One day he didn't get up until noon and then went back to bed at 5 p.m. for a few more hours.

Our bodies are obviously still annoyed by the whole process of recovering from COVID but I do praise God for being in decent shape.

For a couple of weeks, I just was in survival mode. Bad headache, very very tired, occasionally other issues.  Now I am much better but I am still tired with serious back and hip aches.

So I have to balance my abilities with what needs to be done. I have a bunch of appointments to schedule for the kids (not to mention chiro appointments for me) but when I am gone from home, much less gets done here.  So then I come back and there is so much to do!

Today was like that; I took Joseph to get a filling for a tooth and then we went to the library.  We got home at 11 a.m. and the table wasn't cleared yet from breakfast.  Then Kevin and I sat down to talk and a child knocked Kevin's cup of coffee (FULL!) all over the family room floor and couch.  Fortunately said child was old enough to clean it up but it was another delay. So here it is, 12:15 p.m. and I feel like I've hardly gotten anything useful done today.

Of course I DID.  I ran a couple of errands.  That is cool. I am totally a homebody and I am "behind" here after all those week of COVID-19.

I am reading a book about a mom who had triplets and then had major complications which resulted in an emergency hysterectomy.  She was not in great shape after her babies were born, obviously.  She discusses her frustration at her own weakness.  YEP!

Ok, kids need me!

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