Thursday, December 3, 2020

More COVID (sigh)

 It has been too long since I posted.

First, we are all fine. No one is having any horrible COVID symptoms, thankfully.  I mean, we are not necessarily happy campers but no one is having breathing problems, etc.

Kevin is mostly doing Ok though he has been more tired the last couple of days.  One of the fun things about this virus is that the symptoms come and go, apparently.  It isn't like we are just getting better every day.  

I have been dealing with significant back pain. Like, ugh!  Not all the time, but when I stand up there are muscles screaming in outrage at me.  Ouch!

I finally went to the doctor yesterday just to make sure I wasn't ignoring something important.  I wasn't.  It is just muscular pain from the virus, probably combined with me sitting around a lot.

So I am working on stretching and moving even though it is uncomfortable. My body is all out of whack right now.

But everything else is improving. I am not as tired and my headaches have diminished.  Yeah!

My feet keep being cold. That is a very odd COVID symptom -- chilled feet!

Here is something interesting -- they did a COVID test yesterday and called me within the hour to say it was negative.

There is no way this is not/was not COVID.  I have been at home for weeks, hardly venturing out at all. I live with someone who was COVID positive.  BUT it has been 18 days since I first had obvious symptoms and I read that the best time to test is within a few days of being symptomatic.  

So yeah, I guess I am over it?  Except the back pain tells me I am not. But lingering symptoms are a thing.

Nevertheless, we are OK!  I am so thankful to the Lord for that.  I prayed against major problems and the Lord answered.  I can and will whine about the back pain, but it is a minor thing in the grand scheme of things.

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