Saturday, August 6, 2022

First Chigger Bite of the Summer

 I mean everyone wants to know about chigger bites, right??

As many know, because I whine about it, I am super super allergic to chiggers.  Chiggers are tiny little bugs (invisible to the naked eye) that attach and bite and some people have no particular reaction and some poor souls, like me, swell up in big bites.  The bites itch for literally two weeks.  I bring cold packs to bed because cold packs make the itching stop.

They only bite in the summer. During the winter, they must go dormant or something, or there eggs do?  Anyway, no danger in cold weather.

So I have done great all year!  I have one bite now but it is a small one; it turns out that it takes like 24 hours to really do damage, so as long as I wash them off before that, it is no big deal.  So I am hopeful this one won't bother me for more than another day or two.

I am giving credit to the pool and the hot tub for the lack of bites this summer. I shower every night and scrub off, but inevitably a few manage to sneak through my attempts to get rid of them. But hey, a hot tub of 100 degrees?  With lots of chlorine?  I can imagine them curling up and dying!

I have also been swimming more this summer than usual, which also must help. Again, chlorine, though not 100 degrees.  

The swimming is to try and exercise more.  I have not been great about exercise in many decades. In college I worked out quite regularly and walked long distances, so I was in good shape. Nowadays, well, I just usually find more interesting things to do than exercise!

But I am trying to improve in that area.

Anyway, hooray for one lone chigger bite!  (So far.) 

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