Saturday, August 20, 2022

Writing Experiment

 I started writing "fanfiction" six years ago.  I started in the Star Wars universe and then, two plus years ago, shifted over to Pride and Prejudice.  The latter, as I have said before, is not copywrited so I can publish and make money.

Star Wars is owned by Disney, of course!

Anyway, I have always written very quickly.  I have a lot of dull tasks I do around the house and while I am folding socks or washing dishes or whatever, I am often thinking about upcoming plot points and conversations between characters, so when I do sit down in front of the computer, I can often churn out a lot of words in a short amount of time.

Kevin and I had a talk a few weeks ago; what would happen if I just had a whole day of writing with NO interruptions, which is to say that Kevin took over all the kid duties and I went upstairs and wrote.

So a week plus ago, he took off Thursday and Friday from work and I hid upstairs and wrote. The results were intersting.

Thursday I wrote a truly awe inspiring 8000 words. That. Is. Crazy!

Friday I managed about 2500 words, and it was a struggle.  I was mentally exhausted and didn't really know where the plot was going.

So it seems like an occasional day to focus on writing is good, but if he took a week off for me to write, I probably wouldn't get a lot done every day.

He took off yesterday (Friday) for another experiment.  I had to run off to Wright State University with Isaac at 9:30 a.m. because...well, complicated.  That's the subject of another blog post.

We got home around 11 or so and I immediately went up to write. I wrote 5000 words which is still a LOT.

Today I haven't written a word of any of my stories.  It has been incredibly busy because Miriam worked and I also took two kids to our church to help with the food pantry, but my brain is kind of tired anyway.

So yes, all very interesting. I don't know what it would be like if my only job was writing.  It might be tough.  I think would feel a lot of pressure.  Part of the reason I can be mellow about writing is that Kevin's job pays the bills (and provides the insurance) and anything we make off the books helps pay for our future retirement and stuff like that.

In any case, with seven kids still at home, it'll be a long time before I won't have kids to care for and teach and all that.  =

1 comment:

Brievel Montague said...

The two older boys were both having growing cramps last night - which always means I'm not gonna get to go to bed until like 2 or 3 - so between dispensing pain relief and rubbing legs, I took the opportunity to effuse a good 1600 words of pure purple prose. (Nothing on your impressive 8000, of course, but considering this is only about a third of the story I am working on, and for the longest time I couldn't even break 1000 words in a story, I'm just ridiculously proud of myself.)