Saturday, September 30, 2023

Brilliant Parenting Hack

Rose is nine years old and until recently, had a huge phobia to stink bugs. It was getting to be a problem because she was afraid to go to bed because there might be stink bugs in her room, and she was nervous about going outside for the same reason.

They don't bite. They are herbivores. But nine year olds are not always logical.

So Kevin and I prayed about it and Kevin got the brilliant idea of capturing a stink bug and presenting it to Rose as a pet.

It took about thirty seconds for Rose to get over her stink bug phobia.

She immediately fell in love with "Stinky" and checks him many times a day.

We feed him and his companion, "Spinky" (captured a couple of days ago) cucumbers and peaches and stuff.

Thank you, Lord.

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