Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Mid May


Kevin and the children worked on our garden the last few days. He planted tomato plants yesterday! Hopefully they do well this year.

That is chocolate; namely, Sam's Club's chocolate almond crisps. I love them.

More chocolate. 72% cocoa so quite bitter but still wonderful. 

Trader Joe's has these dark chocolate peanut butter cups that I have zero control over. I mean, I love them so much. I eat them too much. I love them.  They have too much sugar for me to eat with abandon so I really shouldn't eat them at all if I can't control myself.

I have been putting peanut butter on my very dark chocolate and that is tasty (not as good as the peanut butter cups) and I can control myself.

Eating carefully is annoying sometimes.

But I am blessed to have good chocolate and good food for a diabetic.

All the kids were at church so we had a picture. Rose is trying to smile but she is working on her smiling.

Six of the children wrote letters about me and gave them to the church; there was a Mother's Day thing where certain mothers got a gift card based on the letters their kids wrote about them. I won for Isaac's letter. I got all the letters and they are sweet and delightful and all of them were deserving, but of course they weren't going to give me more than one gift card.

It is nice to be appreciated!

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