Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Summer Break

 This is our last week of school. The children are just doing math this week.

I always get pretty tired of school by this time of year. The kids are always tired of school this time of year. So a win win situation to take off a couple of months.

I usually start up gently in August and we are at full throttle in September.

This coming year, I will only be teaching three children. The older fived have graduated high school and Angela is taking college classes as a high school student.

It is definitely easier than when I was juggling teaching and babies and toddlers.

Naturally I won't be sitting around all summer. I hope to do a lot of writing. I also want to go through the children's clothing and figure out what they have outgrown and all that. Our pool will be open starting next month and there will be lots of swimming.

I intend to keep getting good books from the library and telling the kids to read them.

So it will be nice.

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