Sunday, May 19, 2024


 We try to go to church every week but sometimes life happens and we cannot or do not.

Rose had a puffy eye yesterday morning; she said it had been bothering her for a couple of days. The white of her eye was very white so not pink eye or anything. My best guess is an insect bite. It was bothering her a lot and she asked if she could stay home this morning and sleep in. Kevin is currently with some of our girls on a vacation to St. Croix so I stayed home with her this morning.

Yesterday when she was really unhappy I stayed home instead of helping with our church's food pantry. I asked Joseph and Isaac to go instead and they did. It was very busy, they said. Actually, all things considered, they are more useful in some ways than I am. I am good at talking to clients and getting information, but a lot of the job is carrying heavy bags up and down stairs and taking them out to cars, and my back isn't up to that mostly.

Her eye is better today. Still hurting her but better.

Joseph's start date at his job got pushed back to this week; he starts on Tuesday which is exciting.

It is hot. Like 80s many days. 

My newest book comes out early June. The audio book is done. Kevin has worked so hard with editing both the book form and the audio book. Our narrator is really good; his name is Harry Frost and he is a Brit. 

I am about 40,000 words into a new book. I have written about 30,000 of those words; our editor/ghost writer has written the other 10,000. We make a great team.

Oh, I was going to talk about TV!

For years I didn't watch much TV because I wasn't too interested, plus I was super busy.

Now that the kids are older and less needy, I am able to watch TV.

It is a whole new world compared to when I was a child, when there were four channels.

There are a bunch of cozy mysteries that I really enjoy that are on Britbox and Acorn TV. 

Here are a few in case you also like Cozy Mysteries on TV:

1. Death in Paradise

2. Brokenwood

3. Beyond Paradise

4. Sister Boniface: this one is really fun, about a forensic scientist/nun in the years following WWII. 

5. My Life is Murder

So yes, fun. Now Beyond Paradise is a spin off of Death in Paradise and I like it very much except for one thing; the main couple are living together, have been trying to have a baby together, are foster parents together, and are engaged but not married. At the end of Season 2 they tried to get married and then don't for various reasons that don't have anything to do with love. That annoys me. I think maybe the writers want the tension of them possibly finding other romantic partners but still, it is annoying. Marriage is a good thing and these two people don't have any legal commitment in spite of living together and trying to raise kids together.

But that is a vague rant. These are not "Christian" shows so I don't expect them to have Christian world views.

All of these don't involve much gore at all, and they are all puzzle type mysteries.

I appreciate the options for watching shows nowadays. Again, back in my youth, there were four channels including PBS, and you couldn't skip the commercials. 

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