Friday, July 12, 2024

Mid July


Now my right foot has plantar fasciitis! So annoying! My left one has had it off and on for a few years now but just in the few months, the right one is bothering me. I wear my boots at night when I can stand it. Two boots are way more annoying than one boot. Often I just wear a boot on the right foot. And during the day I wear supportive shoes. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I wore this outfit to church last Sunday. A fancy-ish dress and Hoka shoes!

Our church holds an annual rummage sale; lots of people donate stuff, and then for three days in July we sell things to the local community. Last Sunday, Isaac and Joseph went to church in the afternoon and spent hours toiling with carrying items from the storage rooms in the basement into the fellowship haul. They are both remarkably strong and I was told on Monday that the ladies running the sale were extremely grateful.

On Monday, I took the four younger kids and we spent more than an hour organizing tables. And today, I took the three younger girls there today and we emerged with a ton of stuff, including a great many swaths of fabric, for very little money. So that was fun.

I don't like random stuff pouring into the house, of cours, as we have enough people in the house that we could quickly be overwhelmed. But today's haul was good. You can see much of it below. Now I am not a seamstress but Angela is and she is excited at all this random fabric!

It has felt like a busy week, but they all do. We will start homeschooling up in a few weeks and I feel intimidated. I ONLY have three kids to teach this year, but I had hoped to write a TON this summer but we have been busy enough that I haven't written as much as I hoped.

Angela is taking college classes this year, as is Isaac, and Miriam and Joseph are working full time. So far they both really like their jobs, which is a huge blessing. Thank you, Jesus!

Right now I am writing two Pride and Prejudice stories simultaneously, which is a little silly, but I'm the Talent. I can do what I want!

Part of the busyness of the week was that Kevin spent hours and hours and hours and hours working on first, listening to an audio book and checking it for errors, and second, going through my last book (which is 109,000 words) and checking for punctuation and other errors.

So yeah, he has been busy! But he is done with both of those projects.

We had a bit of Hurricane Beryl, just the remnants, this week. We had a lot of rain Tuesday night, and wind the next day. We didn't lose power so we are happy.

I am still watching the political stuff with interest. It is such a weird situation. I keep remembering that I am not a politician and I can watch and observe and think about it, but I can't DO anything about it except for pray.

Kevin has been working on our garden regularly. We hope to have zucchinies and cucumbers and green beans and tomatoes and squash and carrots this year.

We have deer that have been nibbling a few things so Kevin tied smelly laundry sheets to stakes in the hopes of discouraging the deer.

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