Monday, July 15, 2024

More Political Stuff

I have been quite upset since the attempted assassination of Trump. It really shook me. And grieved me. By the grace of God, he was only grazed, but a 50 year old father is dead, and two other men are in serious condition in the hospital.

I have read the Jack Reacher series off and on, written by Lee Child. The protagonist, Jack Reacher, is a lone wolf sort of guy who wanders around helping people who need help, with great violence, usually.

One of the books I liked the most involved Reacher assisting in the protection of a vice president who has been receiving death threats. The author has done his homework, and describes in detail all the ways that security details have to think about possibilities in protecting their protectees.

Obviously there have been many failures in security in the past; Reagan was shot by an insane man in 1981, which was the last time something like this, where there was an actual injury, has happened to a president or presidential candidate.

It obviously isn't an easy job. One lapse, and your person is injured or dead. Or, in Trump's case, grazed.

I do confess to being startled, and horrified, and sad, that the assassin was 20 years old.  I have two sons close to that age! How does a young man get to this point? Not just the assassination part, but to be so ... depressed? Angry? to do something that will likely result in one's death! To kill civilians?

I am thanking God for saving Trump's life, even as I submit to the reality that God is God, and He does what he wants. Other presidents and presidential candidates have been attacked and died; Lincoln (major security lapse) and Garfield, who apparently had NO security, and Reagan, of course...

Reagan would probably  have died if shot in the 1800's, since the medical profession didn't have antibiotics and scanners and stuff.

I am rambling. I am grieved that four men were shot a few days ago. If Trump had been killed, this entire presidential election would have been very different. 

One man was killed - a husband, a father, who is younger than I am. It breaks my heart.

1 comment:

FloridaMimi said...

I also found the attempted assassination to be a terrible thing. No matter who you want to vote for, or who's policies sit the least uncomfortably with yours, we live in a country where we are allowed to disagree. No one should be killed for their ideas. I also felt terrible for the young shooter. What events in his short 20-year-long life led him to feeling so discouraged or disillusioned that he thought murder was the best course of action available to him??