Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Fine Looking FELLOW

It is official, we have a rooster in our midst.  Specifically, this fine looking fellow.  I stepped outside yesterday morning and heard very distinct crowing from the coop. "Cock-a-doodle doo!"

I told Naomi about it and she said she and Lydia heard the same crowing, and actually caught the bird in the act.  It is this Long Island Red.

So, he is probably not long for this world. We don't need a rooster and don't want a rooster.  Maybe when the meat chicks grow up (they are supposed to arrive in a week) we'll ship this rooster off with them to the butcher.


♥ Naomi ♥ said...

ROAD Island Red! :)

Sheila said...

Is rooster meat tougher than hen meat? Is it as flavorful? Just asking.