Wednesday, February 22, 2012

It's Our "New" Car!

   I'm so excited!  We are the proud new owners of a 2003 Honda Civic!

  Ok, I've always looked at people with "too many cars" with bemusement. Why would ANYONE have more cars than drivers!  They all have to be insured, right?  What a waste of money!

  Well, now we have 3 cars for 2 drivers.  So silly, BUT the other two cars are our minivan (which gets a little more than 20 mpg) and our 15 passenger van (which gets 15 mpg on a good day.)  The Honda should get in the mid 30's.

  So this is partially a gas issue.  Gas is expensive and may be getting more expensive.  Kevin drives the minivan to work.  With the new car, we should save a LOT of money in gas.

  But there is also the convenience issue. I feel very blessed to have the 15 passenger van because when we need to, we can all go somewhere. But it is a behometh.  I really don't like driving it that much, and when I am alone it positively bothers me because of the poor gas mileage.  Now I should have the minivan at home for quick trips.  Also, and this is BIG, our eldest is now old enough to stay home and care for some of the younger children while I run off briefly. So I can go to the library, say, in the minivan instead of hauling everyone to the library.

  The other big convenience is that if something goes wrong, we'll have a 3rd vehicle.  There may be a Murphy's Law thing going on here...our minivan is leaking oil and may need a trip to the auto repair shop soon...

1 comment:

Sarah said...

We too now have three vehicles, two mini vans and Don's nissan. His car is primarily to drive to work but it's nice having three (all paid for, before someone thinks we're being unwise with money LOL) in case one breaks down and that means we don't have to get it in to the shop for repairs as quickly either. It's great to have a mechanic though who allows hubby to make payments instead of putting it on a CC or paying all up front when we need repairs. Also by having them all paid off our insurance has gone down, gotta love tax returns.