Saturday, February 25, 2012

More Chicks, Plus More Illness

First, let's talk about the chicks!

They are doing very well. We ordered 15 chicks but actually have 16...I suspect the company threw in an extra one in case one died in transit. But they are all alive, cheeping, and apparently healthy.

Today we gave them a little more room to roam. This was their box at the beginning of the day...

...and this is their box now. We put the cardboard pieces in to block off the corners when we first got them. Apparently baby chicks are so lacking in sense that they will sometimes get themselves in a corner away from the heat, and forget how to get back.  And die.  But our chicks have already grown in 2 short days, and they all seem mobile, and we thought it best to give them a little more room.  For one thing, this means when they are too hot that they can move to a cooler place with ease.  The temperature under the lamp is a toasty 95 degrees at the moment.  We will raise the lamp, and thus lower the temperature, in a few days.

In other news, Joseph succumbed to the infamous stomach virus that has been moving SLOWLY through our family. This is, apparently, the same illness that Sarah got 4 and a half long weeks ago.  Lately the children have been catching it with a 1 to 2 week gap.  Joseph woke up at 1:30 a.m. Friday  morning throwing up.  He was sick all day Friday, though the vomiting stopped by early morning and he was merely tired.

He was so tired, in fact, that...

he fell asleep on the couch. That is not an amazingly profound thing, but we have trained our kids to sleep in their beds so they RARELY fall asleep on the couch. It was cute and charming, though of course I wish he wasn't sick. He was much better today and though a little fatigued, was able to eat well.  So the question is, will Lydia be the lone holdout?  Or will she too get sick in a week?  Only time will tell...

I have a pretty bad cold, which is making it hard for me to sleep well.  So I'm a tired mama, but that's Ok.

1 comment:

Lana said...

Sorry about the illness.

What a fun chick adventure!