Saturday, July 17, 2021

Middle of July

 Groan, the summer is flying by on me!  It always does! How can it be the middle of July already??

I usually start school up at the beginning of August, and we spend that first month easing into a full schedule.  Joseph, who struggles with math, has been doing math all summer.  I have also been working with Rose on reading. She is 7 and doesn't read well at all yet.  If she was my first child, I would be freaking out, but she is my 9th and thus I am experienced enough to know she is fine.  Rose is extremely active and not inclined to sit for a long time, plus she is #9 and Mom is busy.  She is making steady progress, but she isn't fluent.

Isaac has been toiling away on Calculus 2 for several weeks, and Joseph is taking a one credit class at Clark State.  Neither has been bored this summer :-).

Actually, there isn't much boredom going on around here. With so built in playmates, people can usually find someone to hang out with and play board games or chat or swim.

Kevin found this stag beetle and captured it and took pictures of it before letting it go.

Miriam found a giant dandelion!

Rose is proud that she was climbing trees and asked me to take pictures. I hung out on the porch and encouraged her not to fall off, but I am pretty mellow about kids climbing trees.  I sometimes joke that they shouldn't break their arms because that would mean an ER trip and that is annoying, but I want them to run around and stay active.  I don't let them climb on the house though, as it is 30 feet high at its peak, with far fewer handholds!

Kevin and I published my latest book this week.  It is called The Golden Daffodil and is about a secret society of (mostly) women running around England doing good.  It is another Pride and Prejudice variation; all of my books have been.  Now I capable of writing something outside P and P and maybe I will, but so far people have loved my books and it is easier writing about established characters and locales.  I still am very busy with the kids, and they are my priority.

Isaac is taking his driving test this coming week and we are praying he passes.  He has two classes on site at Wright State this fall and I really don't want to have to drive him there. On the other hand, I am nervous about turning him loose because I always am.  Now that our older girls have been driving for years, I am much calmer.  Experience is helpful.  Isaac is pretty good; he is not reckless, which is great.

I keep praying for wisdom from God about how I spend my time. I am blessed to have time to spend; there are plenty of people on this planet who are toiling away for daily food.  Since it is a gift to have "free time", I want to be responsible with it.  I have fun, don't get me wrong, but I also want to balance my own hobbies and mindless TV watching with God's plan for me.  

The writing career has been a definite surprise.  My books are quite successful and now a significant money maker.  Kevin makes a lot as an engineer, which is a huge blessing because ... nine kids!  I joke that if he made far less, it would be easier for him to retire. As it is, it doesn't make sense for him to retire yet, especially because our health insurance is superb.  It is hard sometimes to decide how much time I spend writing; obviously, the faster I write, the faster I finish books and the faster I can publish.  BUT of course the family is more important than money.  So yes, it is a balance.

Having said all that, it is Saturday morning, which is special in our house because kids are allowed to play computer games until 10 a.m., and I am going to write!  

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