Saturday, July 3, 2021

Friday Night Date

 Kevin and I have a long standing, running joke which is that if we are somewhere without the kids, it counts as a date.

So...yesterday morning, Kevin's gout flared up again.  He was hurting a lot to the point that it woke him up.  He called his doctor, who called in a new med to our pharmacy. He took a dose, then a couple of hours later took some ibuprofin for the pain.  (We realized he shouldn't have done that as they are the same kind of meds in some on each other...whatever.)

So half an hour after the ibuprofin, he started feeling really terrible.  He felt like he was going to lose consciousness.  We were sufficiently alarmed that I ran him to a local emergency room. He couldn't really walk and felt like he was going to pass out.

They got us right in, did a bunch of tests, gave him benadryl and fluids, and a few hours later he was fine. Best guess is that the medication caused a major problem with vertigo.  For awhile, his blood pressure was through the roof but that was no doubt due to stress and/or meds? Probably stress?

So he is fine now.  They gave him anti vertigo meds.  We are thankful it wasn't a stroke.

It was a rotten date :-).

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