Monday, May 23, 2022

More Sickness

 Kevin ran me off to a Little Clinic at Kroger yesterday as I have having a lot of trouble breathing.  Over the last week my breathing has been getting worse.  I do have asthma that flares with respiratory illnesses, and this time it got away from me.  I was not a happy camper yesterday but the Nurse Practitioner gave me a few helpful prescriptions, sent me off for an X-ray (which ruled out pneumonia) and I am feeling somewhat better.

This time, though, I am going to take my meds faithfully and not overdo it for a day or two.  I find it horribly easy to start running around like a nut when I start feeling better, which then causes me to get worse again.

One great thing is I got a prescription for Xoponex, which is a lot like albuterol except that it has a slight difference in the chemical formula.  Some people have fewer side effects with xoponex and I am one of those people!  Albuterol makes me jittery and my hands and feet tingle terribly.  X seems much more benign. So that is really awesome.

I hate being sick so much. I hate being weak and having to sit around.  However.  I can't help getting sick and praise God for medical care and access to prescription meds.

I hope I really will be better by the end of the week.

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