Sunday, September 25, 2022

We are a Mess!


COVID is marching through our family and we are a mess!

But not a dangerously sick mess, thankfully.  The really weird thing is that we had COVID in November 2020 and while Kevin, Naomi, Lydia, Isaac, Joseph and I were sick, the younger five didn't have any symptoms.

This time around, everyone is falling to COVID.  Rose spiked a fever of 103 yesterday afternoon and was miserable, poor darling. There are people coughing some, with sore throats, little appetite, and so on and so forth.

Ugh!  However, we have a blood oximeter and no one is having trouble with oxygen levels so hooray!

I did want to mention that my BOOT is working great and my plantar fasciitis isn't bothering me at all, which is a miracle considering that other parts of my body are aching.

Tired children!

Rose actually FELL ASLEEP last night on the couch, which is so not like her.  In her view, naps are for wimps. She looked angelic in a sad, sick kind of way.

I am pretty sure I am feeling better and am thankful. I will test for COVID shortly and see if I am still showing positive.

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