Monday, March 23, 2015

If It Weren't For This Homeschooling Thing...

I have been feeling frazzled lately.

I never have enough time to do everything I WANT to do.

A lot is going on.


I know I can do what the Lord God wants me to do.

Jesus had a bazillion people He COULD serve, but He always knew exactly what the Father wanted Him to do. And He did it.

But I'm so NOT Jesus. I don't hear God clearly all the time.  I tend to run in ruts.  Sometimes, probably often, I don't spend my time doing exactly what it is best to do.

The reality, though, is if I stress too much about doing "the best thing", I'll get wound up and not get anything done.  At some point, I just need to tackle SOMETHING on the to do list and get it done.

It is hard to know sometimes what to 'drop' when life is hectic.

Regarding school, I seriously think if I could just DROP school, we'd be good!  I could get (almost) everything I wanted done, and maybe fit in some extra Psych episodes too.  (Just discovered Psych.  I like it a lot, though it isn't always 100% kid friendly. But it is fun.  And as shows go, it is way friendlier than most.)

Of course, we can't drop school.

So what I am doing now is this.

We have 2 weeks of "normal" school where we toil away on school.

Then the 3rd week, I catch up on grading and we do more outside the home activities.

It is sort of working.

Have I mentioned I am busy?

Yes, I have.

Have I mentioned that Rosy Posy is starting to scoot and will soon be mobile?

Have I mentioned that Daniel took a flying leap from the 3rd step up the staircase today and crashed to the ground?

Have I mentioned that Sarah has been totally obsessive about Octonauts?

Have I mentioned that Joseph had a bewildered moment about multiplication?  (Which we worked through?)

Have I mentioned that I am frazzled?  And busy?

Have I mentioned that God loves me and will enable me to do what I should do?

I just need to rest in His strength and really really really not try to do it all in my own strength.

Because I can't.