Friday, June 28, 2019

Physical Therapy

Kevin has been urging me for some time to work on my back and neck problems.  Years and years of poor posture and holding babies and backpacks on my right side have resulted in years and years of back and neck pain.

I have a wonderful chiropractor and she helps a lot, but reality is that for years I just keep having the same issues.  I'm not in agony or anything and I'm mostly functional, but pain is pain and it is annoying.

I went to see my doc last week, who referred me to a PT place, which turned out to NOT be in network for our insurance.  So I found another place, closer still, which is in network.  I had my initial consult yesterday.

The man is super experienced and he quickly noticed something that no other medical person has checked for. When I duck my chin down and then begin raising it up toward the ceiling, at some point my head suddenly cants to the right. 

I also have very tight muscles along the C2 to C5 vertabrae in my neck.  He asked me more than once if I have tingling or weakness in my extremities and the answer, thankfully, is no.

So he did some work on my poor neck, and gave me some stretches to do every day.  They are easy stretches and don't involve lying on the floor.  Lying on the floor is hard because small people have a strong desire to sit on me when I am doing exercises on the floor.

I am feeling hopeful! 

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