Saturday, July 29, 2023

Busy Week!

 Kevin and Isaac were sick all week. Both are improving. What IS IT?  Don't know.  Not COVID. I have tested myself and Kevin and Isaac and the tests were all negative. So it is just some stupid virus.

Many of the rest of us got sick too, but in a much milder form.  So I was off for a couple of days and that was it. Various people have been extra tired and achy. Isaac ran a significant fever for a couple of days and felt terrible for a few days more from fatigue and achiness.  Better today.

All this meant that I had more on my plate than usual since both Kevin and Isaac do a lot around here. Joseph is a driver but I don't send him long distances yet. He is a new driver and he just drives to Burger King and back mostly.

We spent a lot of time in the pool. Well, the kids swam a lot and I swam some. It has been hot so the water is in the 80's. Very nice!  The heat also requires a full on war against algae and the algae and I are currently locked in a battle. The pool water is clear but the bottom has algae.  So some extra stuff needs to be done.

I finished my latest book!  Well, the first draft of my latest book. Still need to do final edits but getting the first draft done is huge!

College starts for three of the children in the latter part of the next month. So that is exciting.

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