Monday, July 3, 2023

Frustrated. But I shouldn't be


Let me start with the good news.  Last week was VBS at our church.  Our three youngest attended and Angela helped. They had a great week and it was awesome.  Jesus all the way!!

So that was good.  It also meant a very busy week, which is why I am feeling frustrated. But let me back up. As you probably know, Kevin's leave got cancelled and he was back to work last week.  We are still sorting out the future.

So I was running back and forth to VBS which meant that all week I was gone in the evenings. Nothing terrible about that.  

But it is stressful to me because I totally like to be home at night.  I don't regret at all the kids going to VBS.  It was good for them. But I am tired.

I have a book to finish. I am 60,000 words in and getting toward the end. BUT I haven't written much in more than a week for obvious reasons.

This week also busy. Today was a well child appointment for Rose. Tomorrow is 4th of July. Wednesday is eye appointments for 3 people. Thursday is eye appointments for 4 people.  

So I am frustrated because I want to write more but I haven't had the mental ability to do so.

Now, backing up, there is no huge hurry on finishing this book.

BUT I am a driven person who likes to get things done.  I would never have finished my previous books if I wasn't driven.

So here I am, trying to be calm, but not feeling particularly calm :-).

Anyway. Everything is fine. We are still figuring out what is happening with Kevin's job.  The kids are healthy and we are healthy. We have much to be thankful for.

I just don't like being super busy outside the home but oh well!

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