Sunday, June 2, 2024

Back from St. Croix

 Kevin and I got back from St. Croix last night, very late. Actually, we got back early this morning.

Kevin flew out to St. Croix two Saturdays ago with three of our daughters. The girls spent a week there with Kevin, and then flew back last Saturday, while I flew to St. Croix.

So Kevin was there two weeks, and I was there one.

We had a fabulous time.

We were in a condo the whole time, but were pleased to note three cruise ships docking in St. Croix over the two week period that Kevin was there. St. Croix is not nearly as popular as St. Thomas, which is just a few miles away, and cruise ships don't visit it often. It would be advantageous to the local economy if more tourists came.

Hermit crabs fighting for dominance on a pipe which is leaking water.

Kevin in the ocean, and red balloons. The balloons were a mystery -- where did they come from? We discovered laster that day that someone was having a birthday party nearby and these had escaped.

Me next to ... um ... Kevin! What are these called?  I forget! 

This was the sunset the first full day I was there. WOW! One of the greatest sunsets I have ever seen.

Reminds me of the hymn, How Great Thou Art

1 O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder,
Consider all the worlds thy hands have made;
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy power throughout the universe displayed:

We have vacationed in St. Croix eight times now. In our early years, we went all over the island, but the last couple of years, I mostly have just wanted to stay in the condo and go snorkeling.

Kevin went all over the island with the girls, so he was cheery about snorkeling and yes, staying in the condo.

I wrote a lot of a new Pride and Prejudice story.

I took naps.

I watched TV shows.

I swam and enjoyed the view and snorkeled.

It was wonderful to just have time with Kevin and enjoy nice dinners, and the ocean, and the fish and all that.

The condo was weird; we rented it because it had more beds than the condo we usually rent; this one is in the same building as our "regular" one with one big difference; only the bedroom was air conditioned.

And let me tell you, St. Croix is HOT!

It was Ok, but hmmmmmmmm

Yes, I am spoiled. I love AC.

But in any case it was wonderful.

And I am thankful to be back. I missed the kids a lot.

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