Sunday, June 9, 2024

Busy Week

 We have been back from St. Croix about a week now. It was a busy and good week.

I took Daniel to the doctor for his annual check up.  He is a chunky young man, and currently the heaviest of all our children; yes, heavier than his seven older siblings!

Here's the thing, though. In the last couple of years, he has been rising in the growth curve for boys. He used to be below 50th percentile height for his age. Now he is 80th percentile in height for his age!


His brother are ridiculously tall and thin. Both big boys are slowly gaining weight but they are very thin for their heights.

I am truly very happy that Daniel has some extra energy packed on him so that when he starts shooting up even more than he has been, he will have some extra calories to help!

He is growing fast. He just turned 12 and we measure the kids every few months and yeah, he is growing fast.

It does bug me that people obsess about weight without taking into account puberty and stuff like that. No one is giving Daniel a hard time which is good; I just think that it is wise to realize that children, especially, may pack on extra weight for puberty.

Sarah is still growing too. She is taller than I am! She is only 13 years old!

Rose will be 10 soon. She is rather petite but you never know what a Kendig will do during puberty! She might end up tall as well!

We opened the pool.

We also released a book. It is doing fairly well. There is a lot of competition this time of year. A great many other authors have released Regency romance novels in general, and Jane Austen Fan Fiction (JAFF) books in particular.

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