Sunday, June 23, 2024

Birthdays and the pool

 I have said before that our family is funny where birthdays are concerned. There are 11 of us, and we have no birthdays at all in January, February, March, or April! The rest of the year, the birthdays are heavy on the ground and we have reached the summer birthday season.

Daniel is now 12.

Rose is now 10.

The boys all like the same orange shirts!

The cat is still fat.

Lydia is now 23.

We have a few more birthdays in August, then one in October, two in November, and three in December!

It was a good week. I got a lot done on my latest book. It is almost done -- the first draft is, anyway.

It was also super super super hot. Wow. So so hot. I mean, for Ohio in June. It was mid 90's five days in a row!

The pool is really nice, not surprisingly.

I am trying to swim at least a little every day. It is healthful.

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