Monday, February 20, 2023

Science Stuff

 I love science.  I LOVE IT!

Cue evil laugh!

Except, wait, I am not an evil mad scientist.  I am a homeschooling mother of nine children and am thankful that at least a couple of the kids so far are excited about science.

Isaac is toiling away on a materials science degree and every once in awhile, we get to talk about fun things like phase diagrams. I really enjoy phase diagrams.  Which makes me super weird, I know.


So I am a Christian and I love Jesus more than I love science.

Which is a good thing, because Jesus is my Lord and Savior, and science is a way of understanding the world that God created.

I am currently working through a sermon series by a Ph.D. level astrophysicist named Hugh Ross. It is fascinating stuff.  He is a Christian and also an enthusiastic scientist.

He is an "Old Earth Creationist" and so am I.  He contends that the creation days in Genesis 1 refer to not 24 hour days, but epochs.  The Hebrew word dovetails nicely for that contention, and furthermore, even the English "day" does not always mean a 24 hour day. 

In my grandfather's day, for example -- referring to a time in the past.

He does not believe in macroevolution and claims, very convincingly, that the fossil record does not support macroevolution.

I have known that for awhile.  Darwin suggested there would be a tree of life, so to speak, where very simple organisms grew more complex and those would branch and become more complex, and so on and so forth.

Actually the fossil record shows very different results.  There was the Cambrian Explosion some 545 million years ago where in older rock layers, the only fossils are of simple organisms. Then, bang, a whole bunch of animals appeared in the fossil records quite suddenly.

Hugh Ross explains it all much better than I do.  He has written several books that I find fascinating.

I do sometimes struggle with life and how hard it can be. I appreciate that science helps undergird my faith.  The anthropic principle (the physical constants in the universe are perfect for the existence of complex life forms) , the fact that life coming from no life without a Creator seems impossible,  the incredible complexity of life NOW...

I mean wow, humans are amazing and flies are amazing and spiders are amazing.

Look up the diving bell spider.  Its behavior is ridiculous from a naturalistic perspective, or at least I think so.  How did it figure out how to do what it did? So many things have to be just right to let it do its thing! 

Anyway. I love science, and even more, I love my Creator, my Lord, and my God, who thankfully loves me in return.

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