Monday, February 27, 2023

Update on Moonbeam

So I mentioned in a previous post that Moonbeam, the big cat in the foreground, had a tooth problem.  We took him to the vet and the surgeon removed three teeth, one of which had snapped in half and the root had the be extracted.

We put Moonbeam in the barn and for several days, showered him with love and affection and lots of wet cat food. He was very happy to see us, very happy to accept pets, but he wasn't eating much at all, which worried me.

Finally I decided, Ok, he probably was feeling good enough to be out with the other cats at least during the day, though I intended to put him in the barn again at night so I could give him soft, wet food away from the other greedy cats.

We carried him around to the front porch where the dry food was.  Moonbeam leaped out of Miriam's arms and rushed over to the dry cat food and started eating it like he hadn't eaten in days.

Like, really, Cat??

I go to all this trouble to feed you soft wet food and dry is your favorite food in the entire planet?

Needless to say, he did not return to the barn.  He is out and about and very happy now that his teeth aren't hurting.


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