Thursday, January 25, 2024

Angry Alveoli

 I have to admit that the title of this blog post makes me giggle. The alliteration!!

Anyway, last Saturday was a bad day breathing wise so on Sunday I went to a Kroger Little Clinic. The Nurse Practioner listened to my lungs and said I was clear (hooray!) but given that I was still battling consistent breathlessness, she would prescribe a steroid pack for the angry alveoli in my lungs.

Either they helped, or my body healed further, but this week I have done better with breathing. Which is really nice.

My blood sugars have been bad, because steroids mess with the liver and tell it to release sugar, I guess? I hit 256 one day. UGH! But that only lasted an hour and then it came down.

I am only taking 2 steroid pills today and one tomorrow and then I will be done.

I am super tired today and don't know why. I have had some insomnia, which may be tied to the steroids. It is worth it to breathe better. It was also a busy week so far; I had a hair appointment on Tuesday and three kids went to the dentist yesterday. We had to get a new dentist because we changed insurance. The new one is really good and closer than the old one, so that is nice.

I am a red head again! I like red hair!

Speaking of insurance -- one of the reasons that it was hard to take the leap of having Kevin quit his job is that he had awesome benefits through the Air Force. We now have our insurance through the health care exchange.

There are lots of uncertainties about how much it will cost us BUT it seems good so far in terms of coverage. My steroids were FREE, which was nice.

I have probably mentioned this before, but when Kevin and I were in St. Croix last year, we had time to really talk and pray about his future with the Air Force. I don't pretend to hear God's voice clearly very often, but it did seem God was saying for him to quit.

Which was not a conservative thing to do. He was making a very good salary and the benefits were great. He was also not happy; there were reasons why leaving his job made sense from a mental health point of view.

The book business has been doing very well since he left his job. He has time now to do more marketing and publicity and we now have a seven person team of people who are part of the business.

He is happier than when he was working for the Air Force. And the last month plus has been so tiring with Kevin's mom hurting herself, and then a long stint of illness. Kevin and I have both been tired and struggling but we have been able to be good parents, I think.

If he were trying to work through all this, it would be way harder to keep the household rolling.

So yes, God knew what he was doing, as usual.

A new book is coming out near the end of next month. I am done with most of it, but we are having an audio book created to come out at the same time.

So yes, financially it was stupid for Kevin to quit his job. Emotionally, mentally, spiritually, it was a great idea.

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