Saturday, January 13, 2024

Patience is a Virtue. So is Gratitude

 A friend of mine who is a little older than I am has been battling cancer for a few years. I got a message from her that she recently had a stroke as well. It breaks my heart. She is a wonderful person and this is hard.

Her faith in the Lord is inspiring and I keep praying for her, that God would help her recover from the stroke and the cancer, and will continue to comfort her.

Another friend got smacked with serious long COVID. She is recovering but it has been a long journey.

Both of these wonderful women have encouraged me as Kevin and I deal with the lingering effects of COVID. We don't have a lot of energy, and want to sleep a lot, and my breathing continues to be a bit off. I just want to be better!  But I am not yet. And I need to rest as needed.

I am so thankful that the children are old enough to run much of the household. In 2009, when we had 6 kids under the age of 10, we got swine flu and wow, that was a rough time!

So yeah, I think Kevin and I are improving, but it is slow going. 

The weather outside is currently frightful -- windy, snowy, and cold. We are only getting like an inch of snow; apparently up north a few hours, they are supposed to get over a foot!

So that'

We do not have to be anywhere today which makes me happy.

I do love getting things done and there are things I want to get done, but I also need to respect my own limitations.

Miriam is ready to take her driving test, mostly, but I want to do a little more driving with her. This coming week is kind of busy with various appointments so probably I will be using my energy to take people here and there.

I'm good. I'm thankful it isn't worse. 

Oh, I am also nearing the end of a book, a shorter one than usual. I honestly dislike it at this point. I am tired and my brain isn't firing on all thrusters and I look at it and think, argh, I don't like it.

I think it is actually a decent book. I always dislike my books at the end :-).

I just have to keep on, keeping on.

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