Friday, January 5, 2024

COVID marches on

 Kevin has it now. We THOUGHT he had it a week or two ago. He had a killer backache the weekend before Christmas. My experience with COVID is that sometimes it causes major backaches so we hoped that he had it with one symptom.

But now he is sick with more conventional COVID symptoms. Chills (major chills -- he is usually hot, and slept with 4 extra blankets last night). Major fatigue. Coughing. Isaac and Daniel are sick now. 

I tested myself again today and while it was positive, it was barely positive. So that is good news; I am presumably getting close to not being contagious.

Ten years ago I would probably be super frustrated that December and early January have been so difficult. But I am on Lexapro and I am older, so that is good :-).

I mean, I don't like being sick, and I hate having to sit around, and I hate having breathing problems. But I am not terribly bad. I am not in the hospital. I am relieved about that.

Moreover, the kids are old enough they can run the house as needed. They all keep getting sick too, but not all at once. Joseph and Miriam and Angela had it and are over it. 

It isn't ideal, but such is life. I am thankful that it isn't worse. I am thankful that we have a house full of food. I am thankful that Kevin's mom, who spent time with us the week before Christmas, didn't get it.

It is really a blessing to live in a time and place with over the counter safe drugs (tylenol and acetimenophen) and blood oxygen meters and stuff like that. Since I do have asthma issues, I have been checking my oxygen levels regularly and am doing great.

We even managed to get sick in the midst of down time in our calendar. We usually have lots of doctor appointments and dentist appointments and orthodontia appointments and stuff like that, but have had nothing scheduled since Christmas.

Except for getting my hair dyed, but that isn't a medical issue.

So yes, I am blessed in the midst of COVID. Thank you, Lord.

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